Tidings From the East

September was an eventful and exciting first month back in Lodge. We passed Bro.’s Kenneth Fields and Giuseppe Catanzaro to the Fellow Craft Degree. This fine degree work could not have been done without the assistance of W. Bro.’s Steve Melnick, Herb Carr, Jonathan Wilcox, and Bro. Wayne Carlson. Thank you for taking a part in the work!

In October we will be initiating three candidates, Daniel Dohner, Andy Ortiz, and Joseph Nicholson. On October 23rd we will be hosting the young men from Aurora DeMolay who will educate us on their opening and closing ritual.

I have had the opportunity to work with some of these young men in DeMolay and I must say they give me hope for our future and for Masonry. Please come and support our youth and our new brethren who will be starting their Masonic journey.

I would also like to take this time to recognize your officers as they have been putting in a lot of hard and enduring work and it has not gone unnoticed. You all have strived for perfection and held the Columbine standard I am extremely proud of every single one of you. Keep it up! This year is almost over but we still have a lot to accomplish.

To our brethren celebrating the High Holy days I wish you and your families a Shana tovah u’metukah! (a good and sweet year). I’m excited to see everyone soon at our great upcoming events!

Brandon A. Whittier
Worshipful Master